Mailmerge Thunderbird

With Thunderbird it is possible to send personalised mass-mailings. That means that you can create an almost unlimited number of mails with roughly the same content but for example starting with the address (Hello Ms ...) containing the actual name. Also it is possible to define individual attachments for each email.

Mail Merge Create and Save or Send Multiple Individual and Personalized Messages from a Draft The Thunderbird support site does not support add-ons other than those shipped with the Thunderbird installer. At this time Lightning. Persistent sticky notes for Thunderbird associated to mails. In TB 78, you can define the note position in the settings. If you have a large screen, you can even display the notes outside of TB's main window, so it won't hide anything. Pull down the 'File' menu and select 'Mail Merge.' A dialog box should pop up. Change the top dropdown box to say 'Personal Mail' and click the 'Browse' button. Find your.csv file and select 'Open.' A small 'Mail Merge' window opens. Then select the following to get the email to go to your 'Outbox' which is located in 'Local Folders' Source = CSV Deliver Mode: Send Later Format: HTML File: choose the one which has the csv file.

This short guide just explains the way we did it in some cases with a CSV file. According to the documentation it is also possible to use the built-in address book as source for the recipients' data, and there may be dozens of other cool tricks.

  • 1. Install the Thunderbird Addon 'Mail Merge'
  • 2. Prepare an .csv document containing all necessary information. The first line has to contain column headers, for example EMAIL and NAME. Example:

For the whole message you can now use the variables NAME, EMAIL and ATTACHMENT. Just define new columns in the CSV files if you need more.

  • 3. Create a new message with Thunderbird. As recipient insert
  • 4. In the email's body you can use the variables as well. For example, start with
  • 5. To actually save or send the mails, click on 'File' and 'Mail Merge' in the new message's window. This will open a dialog with more options.
    • As source, define 'CSV'.
    • Choose the sending mode you want to have. I chose 'send later' to save all emails in the queue first and send them manually then.
    • You can define attachments. For example if you have a slightly different attachment for each email, just put them in one folder and give them the same names you defined in the CSV column ATTACHMENT. Then you can for example use in the field /home/user/massmailing/{{ATTACHMENT}} to automatically choose the correct attachment for each generated mail.

    • The next fields contain the information for the used CSV files. Define the file, encoding and delimiter letters.
    • You can also define more batch actions. Start and Stop define the line number (always count +1 because the first line is column title!). 'Pause' defines the amount of seconds between each mail. I made good experiences with 7-10 seconds. When I chose to send in batches, I chose the option 'send now' – I don't know what happens exactly when you choose 'send later' or 'save as draft'...

    • If you click OK, the chosen action will be taken (send now, later or save as draft). In each case the mail will be saved in the template folder (if you defined one). That's cool because then you don't have to retype all variables if something went wrong.

That should be everything.


  • Documentation and infos:

I need help, please! My Thunderbird Mail Merge does not work.Merge
Here are the facts:Mailmerge Thunderbird
I have Thunderbird version 38.5.1, running on Windows 7.Mailmerge
I installed the Mail Merge plug-in on Feb. 4 (version 4.3.0?)
I built a database on LibreOffice Calc ( following all the rules.
I constructed my original e-mail letter, placing all the variables within the brackets {{ }} and using the identical terminology I used at the top of each spreadsheet column.

Mail Merge From Excel To Word

I generated a csv version of the spreadsheet.
I click on MAIL MERGE and fill in the form (by the way, there is no 'format' line on the form). I reference the correct CSV database. I choose SEND LATER. Then I push OK
Immediately I get a dialog box:
'[Exception... 'Component returned failure code: 0x8050000e (NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT) [nsIConverterInputStream.readString]' nsresult: '0x8050000e (NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT)' location: 'JS frame :: chrome://mailmerge/content/compose.js :: mailmerge.csv :: line 252' data: no]'
Mailmerge Thunderbird

Mail Merge Thunderbird Plugin

Only one e-mail is deposited in my 'Templates' file folder, and that is the original (with the {{ }} in it).
Because my database has 97 names, I tried making up a smaller one, just to see if that would work. Same problem.

Mail Merge Thunderbird Not Working

Funny thing is: three days ago when I first downloaded the plug-in I made up a sample e-mail with some fictitious names in my database. And it worked!
I'd be grateful for any thoughts!