Most laptops aren't shipped with an HDMI input port so you can't directly connect your PS4 to your laptop's screen. However, what you can do is connect your laptop and your PS4 with an ethernet cable and use Remote Play. Until you realize that you need an Internet connection to start the software.
- PS Remote Play is a free to use feature on all PS4 and PS5 consoles. All you need is: Your PS5 or PS5 Digital Edition, PS4 or PS4 Pro 2 connected to your home wired broadband network. A compatible device – also connected to your network.
- I have a PS4 pro connected over 5GHz Wifi, trying to Remote Play on my laptop over the same WiFi network. Remote play used to work a lot better a few months earlier though it has never been stellar for me, but recently it has been horrible. Can't even play for 1 or 2 minutes without running into a issue or getting disconnected.
使用[PS Remote Play]應用程式,您可以從位於其他場所的裝置上控制PlayStation®5主機或PlayStation®4主機。
- *
- 在使用行動數據網路的行動裝置上無法進行遙控遊玩。必須使用高速Wi-Fi®網路連線。
- 從PS Vita主機控制PS4主機*
- 從PS TV主機控制PS4主機*
- *
- 藉由[PS4連動]應用程式,您可以使用PlayStation®Vita主機或PlayStation®TV主機遠端控制PS4主機。
若想瞭解如何進行主機設定及使用遙控遊玩的詳細說明,請參閱PS Vita用戶指南或PS TV用戶指南。
[PS Remote Play]更新資訊
Mac 4.1版本:
請瀏覽Google Play™或App Store獲取更新資訊。
- 部分遊戲不支援遙控遊玩。
需要使用PlayStation®VR或PlayStation®Camera等周邊設備的遊戲,將無法與遙控遊玩相容。 PS5主機或PS4主機在下列情況下無法使用遙控遊玩:
- 正在使用螢幕共享或分享遊玩,或者播送您的遊玩過程時
- 其他使用者正在使用遙控遊玩、分享遊玩或螢幕共享,或者播送他們的遊玩過程時
- 正在播放Blu-ray Disc™或DVD時
- 正在VR模式下使用PS VR時
- 無法使用螢幕共享或分享遊玩,或者播送您的遊玩過程。
- 無法播放Blu-ray Disc™或DVD。
- 無法播放Spotify®的音樂。
- 依遊戲或影像服務不同,您的裝置可能會無法顯示部分或全部的影像內容。
- 關於遙控遊玩時聲音輸入輸出的詳情,請參閱我們的支援網站。
- 本網站內容如有變更,恕不另行通知。
- 畫面圖像為合成圖像。示意圖和畫面圖像可能與實際產品有所不同。
- 依PS5或PS4系統軟件版本或當時所用電腦或行動裝置上安裝的應用程式版本不同,本網站上發佈的關於系統機能和圖像的資訊可能也會有差異。
- “”、“PlayStation”、“PS5”、“PS4”和“DUALSHOCK”為Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc.之註冊商標或商標。
- “SONY”為Sony Group Corporation之註冊商標或商標。
- App Store, iPad, iPhone, Mac and macOS are trademarks of Apple Inc. registered in the U.S. and other countries.
- The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc. is under license.Other trademarks and trade names are those of their respective owners.
- “Blu-ray Disc™” and “Blu-ray™” are trademarks of the Blu-ray Disc Association.
- Google Play and Android are trademarks of Google LLC.
- Intel and Intel Core are trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and/or other countries.
- Spotify is a registered trademark of Spotify Ltd.
- Wi-Fi® is a registered trademark of Wi-Fi Alliance®.
- 其他系統及產品名稱原則上皆為其相關所有人之商標或註冊商標。
ASTRO’s PLAYROOM: ©2020 Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc.
Horizon Zero Dawn: ©2017 Sony Interactive Entertainment Europe.由Guerrilla開發。
PS4 Remote Play is an application for PC, Mac, Android & iOS (iPhone & iPad) users that will help you to play different PlayStation 4 games with the help of your gadgets. You can see the picture on your gadget and play PS4 games with the help of the Dualshock controller. Or you can set virtual buttons on your screen, but it is not really comfortable to play the game in this way. Users can download PS4 Remote Play from the App Store. Developers regularly update PS4 Remote Play so it could work with your PS4 without any issues.
After you start the application, PS4 Remote Play will try to find your PlayStation 4. You will have to login into your PS account. If you want to play games with the help of the controller, you should change your profile, connect your gamepad, and with the help of the gamepad switch back to your main profile. Otherwise, you might experience some problems with connecting to the PS4. After that, you can select any game, and the application will stream the picture on your smartphone or iPad.
Ps4 Remote Play Apk
Design of the application is pretty simple. All you have to do is login into your account. After that, PS4 Remote Play will find your PS4. Then you will see your PS4 menu and all the games you have on your account.
The application works great. It perfectly streams the picture. It should be mentioned that the maximum quality of the image is 720p. In addition, the application sometimes may not connect to your PS4. All you have to do is re-login into your account. There are plenty of positive reviews on the App Store, so the application surely provides users with the promised content.
Cross-platform use
As if was mentioned, users are able to download PS4 Remote Play for iPad, iPod touch, and iPhone. Unfortunately, there is no PS4 Remote Play version for Android devices.
In-app purchases
Ps4 Remote Play Download Mac
PS4 Remote Play is not free. You can purchase PS4 Remote Play for 11.99$. You will have to update your subscription every year. There are no advertisements in the application.
The Bottom Line
Ps4 Remote Play Windows Pc
PS4 Remote Play is an application that will help you to play PS4 games with the help of your iPad or iPhone. The application is not free to download, but it provides users with the promised content. Developers regularly update the app.