Patrick Byrne Twitter

Patrick Byrne published a Twitter thread on Monday making two really shocking claims. First, he says a legitimate ballot-printing shop in Michigan was printing excess ballots for fraudulent purposes — and there's documented evidence proving it. Second, he says there's now evidence that Georgia had faked ballots from China and was busy shredding them. I have no idea if any of these latest assertions are true, but I do have footage of Georgia's voting system implementation manager rebuffing the second claim. Since the truth is still unknowable for all of us, we can call this post 'I report and you decide.'

Patrick Byrne Deep Capture

I'll start with Byrne's claim about the fake ballots from a Michigan print shop, because Byrne claims there's documentary evidence, including affidavits, that prove this assertion. Here's his story:

A printing shop in Michigan prints ballots for Delaware County, Pennsylvania and as Lancashire County, Pennsylvania (this is normal). But along with the ballots it prints on contract and delivers to those counties, it prints some ballots that get diverted to Bethpage, New York.

Patrick Byrne: There are traitors in the White House. On Friday the 18th of December a four hour meeting took place with President Trump, Sidney Powell, Rudy Giuliani, Michael Powell and key White House legal staff. Patrick Byrne @PatrickByrne has unsealed some truth in a 3-part article titled “At The Highest Levels. He is showing the way the swamp has dealt treacherously and how it is a viper. In a three part article he is giving you the inside story on the Seth Rich case and why good people are often faced with going after the truth or keeping silent. Add Patrick Byrne — the founder and former CEO of Utah-based — to the list of ardent supporters of President Donald Trump who have had their Twitter accounts suspended. Claim: Ballots stored in a Fulton County, Georgia, warehouse are counterfeits, evidence of election fraud.

— Patrick Byrne (@PatrickByrne) January 4, 2021

We have all of that documented. Texts, statements, affidavits, everything.

— Patrick Byrne (@PatrickByrne) January 4, 2021

Modern warfare 3 mac free download. We also know that this same ballot printing company (and other firms in the same family) also print for Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, and Georgia.

— Patrick Byrne (@PatrickByrne) January 4, 2021

If Byrne's information is accurate, this is 'rock your world' evidence of fraudulent votes in all sorts of elections. A national re-do is required. Alternately, a simple admission that Trump won would probably do, too.

The operative word is 'if.' We've had lots of promises so far, but while there've been strong intimations of fraud, we're still looking for that smoking gun. (Although, as noted here, the vanishing votes may be the smoking gun.) I anxiously await solid proof about this Michigan print shop.

Byrne's next assertion (which is part of the same Twitter thread) focuses specifically on what those arguing election fraud claim happened in Georgia — namely, that fraudulent ballots were lying around and got shredded. I'll give you Byrne's assertion and then the counterclaim from the Georgia election official:

Last Wednesday, December 30, the Georgia Senate Judiciary voted to inspect those Fulton County voting operations. Hours later (as I have previously posted) an Enterprise vans pulled up and got filled up with voting materials.

— Patrick Byrne (@PatrickByrne) January 4, 2021

A handful of papers stuck to the side of the shredding bin. They include some unshredded ballots (which 2 federally certified forensic examiners have affied do not match the legitimate ballots). Geocaching deputy jobs. ALSO, A SHIPPING RECEIPT FROM THE CHINESE FIRM THAT PRINTED THE BALLOTS! IN CHINESE!

— Patrick Byrne (@PatrickByrne) January 4, 2021

Word is the DOJ and DHS have been told to stand down. That President Trump himself has had to call agents on the ground asking them to continue. If you think they should continue, retweet to let @TheJusticeDept know your feelings.

Twitter— Patrick Byrne (@PatrickByrne) January 4, 2021

Again, I'd like to see the evidence before I get excited. While this narrative matches witness reports about ballot-shredding, Gabriel Sterling, Georgia's voting system implementation manager, says Byrne's contention is hogwash. Note, though, as you listen to Sterling speak, that he does not address the claims from Susan Knox and Sally Grubbs that completed ballots were getting shredded. He also doesn't explain why, in the midst of this election uproar, Georgia decided that now was the right time to shred documents:

If you can keep up with Sterling's rapid speech, you heard him say the ballots everyone is getting excited about were paper ballots that the state requires precincts to have on hand in case of emergencies. Moreover, while the requirements are for ballots equal to 10% of the number of registered voters, out of an excess of caution, they had ballots equal to 100%.

Again, I've given you the data. I have no idea where the truth lies.

I'll round out this post with some bonus tweets from Byrne. One shows the country in which some Dominion products are made (it's not the USA). The other purports to show that the calibration markers from Republican ballots were printed incorrectly, which forced those ballots into adjudication:

Dominion Machines: Made in China (Sacramento, CA)

— Patrick Byrne (@PatrickByrne) January 5, 2021Patrick Byrne Twitter

That is the calibration marker, Democrat area mail in ballot left CORRECT and REPUBLICAN area way out of calibration. WHY? This ballot should of have never been allowed out of the printers shop this far off.

— Patrick Byrne (@PatrickByrne) January 5, 2021

Patrick Byrne Twitter Rant

Make of this what you will!

Patrick Byrne (@patrick Byrne) / Twitter

Image: Alleged Georgia ballot misprints. Twitter screen grab.