Ps4 Remote Play Stuttering

  • 2018.04.12 11:58

Are you talking about you watch the stream on the PC and look on the PS4 at what you'r doing but the PS4 is ahead? SF the day before PS4 first launched and the game itself had no lag but if I looked at the stream on twitch it was stuttering this was with 1 Mbps upload. I think he means the Vita remote play. Are you talking about you watch the stream on the PC and look on the PS4 at what you'r doing but the PS4 is ahead? Or do you mean the game you're playing is lagging or the stream is stuttering? Since before I upgraded my internet I played Killzone SF the day before PS4 first launched and the game itself had no lag but if I looked at the stream. Remote play is running slow and you want a way to make PS4 remote play faster. Like any network related issue, this one can have a large number of causes and solutions. In this guide, I will try to give a few useful tips to know about when you are trying to sleep up remote play and make the connection faster.

UPDATED: 22.09.2019 14:30Ps4

Minecraft is basically the Father of sandbox games, perhaps there is some older sandbox around I don’t know about but I can assure that Minecraft made sandbox cool.

So being one of the most popular games around we naturally though about making a guide to help you fix low performance.

Since Minecraft has a version for every device know to man we will break this guide in sections for each device.

Minecraft Latency

You shouldn’t really have issues with server lag in this game, and if you do its probably best you just switch to a different server.
Since they are not really any Minecraft specific latency problems, the best I can do is advice you get a wired connection to play whether you play on pc or consoles.
Use a wired connection for any game, and you will see a huge profit I can guarantee it.

If you are on pc make sure you auto update is off, and that Minecraft is a trusted program on your firewall.
If you are playing on a portable device, you can’t really do much but switch servers and make sure your router cables are in perfect condition.

Minecraft PC Stutter, Crashes And Low FPS

Surprising as it may be, Minecraft can actually have some of the worst FPS issues I have seen.
Don’t be fooled by the “Block” nature of the game, there are plenty of things going on that can get your pc running at 10 fps or less.

First thing is to look at your Java. Minecraft runs on Java and the first you have to think about is keeping it updated, the other thing you should do is to make sure you are running the same bit version as your Windows.
If you have a 64 bit Windows then make sure your Java is also 64 bit, same if windows is 32 bit, make sure your java is a 32 bit version.

Some of the most resource consuming setting on Minecraft are Fast Water, Trees, Grass, Rain/Snow, and Clouds and set Dropped Items to 2D. In Quality disable Better Grass, Snow, Connected Textures, Clear Water, and Smooth Biomes.
If you have low fps start desiabling them, and you should enable Fast Math, Smooth FPS, and Smooth World.

Minecraft Problems After Windows 10

Players have been suffering a considerable Frame Rate drop after upgrading to Windows 10, yet another reason not to like the OS…
The best way to deal with this by going into your Java settings, opening the advance settings check the JM Arguments checkbox

Then add the following setting after the -Xmx setting: -Xms1G

-Xmx1G -Xms1G -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CMSIncrementalMode -XX:-UseAdaptiveSizePolicy -Xmn128M

This will allocate more memory for Minecraft and match your maximum memory.

Minecraft Stutter On Xbox One

Is not very likely but some players do suffer from stutter while playing on the Xbox one.

Sometimes is a problem with the controller input and not the actual game performance, to fix this you just need to go into your system menu and update your controller.

In other cases it actually is a problem with the game itself, which will require you to uninstall and reinstall the game, if you Xbox’s hard drive is almost full you should clean it up before you reinstall Minecraft.

Minecraft Stutter, Sound Problems And Low Performance With Remote Play On PS4

PS4 has some annoying problems that have no permanent fix at the moment.

If you experience low frame rates and you have an almost full drive then you should uninstall and reinstall minecraft after you clean your drive of any useless content.

If instead you get stutter and sound problems after playing Minecraft for a while then the only workaround is to unplug the HDMI from your PS4, wait a few second and plug it back in.

Last if you play on your Vita with remote play and experience stutter you need only to disable the Vita’s low power WiFi mode.


Minecraft Optimization For PS Vita Edition

Surprisingly enough the PS Vita version of Minecraft is actually one of the best performing ones.

That’s not to say you get a smooth 60fps experience all the time but dropping below 30 fps should be rarer than the other consoles.

If you do however experience issues there a couple of things you can do to improve the performance on the PS Vita.

Same as with remote play you should disable the Low Battery Wifi Setting.

• Turn notifications off and you will get a bit more resources back, and finally for the absolute best performance on PS Vita Turn off Fog, view bobbing and cloud rendering.

Final Thoughts

Minecraft can be somewhat resource intensive, specially if there are many entities around, so if you though this game would go easy on your old pc well… think again pal.
The size of the towns and structures you will be able to build and play smoothly directly relate to your rig’s capacities, therefore remember to keep your pc clean, andrunning all the latest drivers.

For console users the same applies, unfortunately you are limited to what your console already has and can’t upgrade hardware as easily as a pc user can.

So if you wan’t to create huge amazing buildings then consider getting Minecraft on a gaming pc and not for your console.

Ps4 Remote Play From Sony

If you just want to fool around a bit then your console should be fine, just keep in mind that if performance starts dropping hard while you are building your awesome home, it probably means your console can’t handle the load…

You can download Latency Optimizer 4.0 to assist you by testing and fixing lag, latency & ping problems.

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Remote Play is a fairly old feature for PlayStation. It was introduced for the PS3 and would allow you to play games on your PSP. It sucked and since then the feature has been a bit of a background feature that a lot of people don’t even know about.

With the launch of the PS5, a new icon has appeared on the PS4 home screen that allows you to remote play your PS5 from your PS4, pretty awesome! The feature works well for most but the experience is not flawless. For those finding the experience a little laggy, this guide will give you some helpful tips to reduce lag and latency with PS5 remote play on the PS4.

Why Is Remote Play Laggy?

Lag is nothing new for remote play. Even when playing over windows on the same network as the console you can experience lag. The problem is almost entirely down to your home network and in the vast majority of cases, it is quite easy to fix.

If you are experiencing lag with remote play on the PS5 when playing from your PS4, I would suggest you check out the steps below as these are sure to help improve the experience and reduce lag with PS5 remote play.

Use A Wired Connection

This is not going to be possible for everyone but if you can connect an ethernet cable from your router to the back of your PS5 and PS4, you will get a much more stable internet connection. There are also many people that find using wired over wireless results in fewer restrictions in general when it comes to network security.

Ensure Both Systems Are On The Same Network

Ps4 remote play stuttering system

If you are hoping to use your PS4 in one room to play games on the PS5 that is in another room, make sure they are both on the same LAN. Some routers can broadcast multiple networks, quite commonly a 2.4ghz and 5ghz signal. Both are connected to the same router but are not on the same local network. Always aim for wired and if not possible, make sure both devices are on the same wireless network.

Get NAT Type 1 On The PS5

Ps4 Remote Play Stuttering Mac

NAT type is a measurement of how restricted your home router is. If you have type 3 or even a failed NAT type, your PS5 is going to have a hard time communicating with other devices over a network. To achieve an open NAT you will need to open the following ports on your router.

TCP: 1935,3478-3480
UDP: 3074,3478-3479

Ps4 Remote Play Stuttering Apps

If you are unsure what this means, check out this detailed guide for getting NAT type 1 on the PS5. This will solve a lot of problems related to remote play, including the inability to link the PS4 to the PS5.

Something worth noting is that most routers will only allow you to open a specific port for one IP. Since PSN uses the same ports on the PS4 and PS5, you will need to pick one. I would suggest you do it for the PS5. Generally, networks are more restrictive for incoming connections than outgoing as this is generally how an attack would be prevented. The PS4 should have less trouble connecting to a PS5 compared to a PS5 accepting connections from a PS4.

Check Network Activity At Home

Ps4 Remote Play Keeps Stuttering

If you have a busy house, there may be a lot of network traffic. If people in the house are downloading a lot of content, streaming 4k videos and performing other activities that will congest the network, you will find that there may be some hiccups while you use the remote play feature. With modern fibre connections, this is going to be less of an issue but if you are on a copper wire connection

Restart Both Systems

Ps4 Remote Play

I know this is the most generic response you can possibly give for fixing problems but with the PS5, in particular, being able to suspend games and multitask better, the system having some extra stuff consuming system resources could also cause some things to get a little backed up. Likewise with the PS4. If you find things normally work well and are suddenly acting up, restarting the systems if possible may be all you need to fix the problem.